Letter to Clients: 4th Quarter 2017
Last quarter’s client letter focused on a major personal financial transition – retirement. Shortly after that letter, DV Financial began a major business transition. On August 24th we announced a new SEC Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), Independent Wealth Network, Inc., which I co-founded. Since our previous RIA was owned by our previous Broker-Dealer, the creation of Independent Wealth Network also required us to find a new Broker-Dealer relationship. Since August 24th we have been busy reaching out to every client, one at a time, to explain the transition and to facilitate the documents required to continue working together. For those who have already completed the transition, thank you. For those who have started the process but the transition is not yet complete, please know that we are working hard towards completion. For those who have not yet had the opportunity, please feel free to reach out to us or we will be in touch with you very soon.